DSpace Repository

December 2014 (Issue 1- 4)

December 2014 (Issue 1- 4)


Recent Submissions

  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coast Week, 2014-12-05)
    Inside this issue: Serena hotels launc a Christmas: Its Christmas again, and a time that the Serena traveler, business supporters, staff and management come together to reach out to the less fortunate children in society, ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coast Week, 2014-12-12)
    Inside this issue: Marina pontoons arrive at englishpoint: Welcome back to yet another exciting update from English Point Marina, Foreign ministry confirm kenya host 2015 WTO ministerial talks: Foreign ministry has said ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coast Week, 2014-12-19)
    Inside this issue: President commends excellent kenya navy: President Uhuru Kenyatta has praised the role played by Kenya Navy in the fight against drug traffickers and Somalia piracy, Chaine des rotiseurs Christmas ball: ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coast Week, 2014-12-26)
    Inside this issue: 2015 CBA Africa concours set for September 27th:The Kenya Motorsport Federation (KMSF) has allocated September 27th as the date for the 2015 recognised and sanctioned by FIM Africa, Lamu police hunt ...

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