Volume VIII (1985): Recent submissions

  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-08-16)
    Inside this issue: Risk cover hits trade: Increase in vehicle insurance premiums affecting the tourist and allied industries have been of such magnitude that tour operators , particularly those with large fleets, may have ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-08-09)
    Inside this issue: ‘Systems go’ at Mombasa show: Mombasa (KNA) With only three weeks to the opening of the Mombasa National Show 99 per cent of stands have been taken up and 80 per cent of the exhibitors have started work ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper; Coastweek, Newspaper (CoastweekCoastweek, 1985-09-01)
    Inside this issue: ‘We must wipe out corruption’ Mombasa Mayor Ahmed Mwidani, fresh from his re-election last week, has in an exclusive interview given to Coastweek, vowed to crack down on all corrupt officers in the ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-07-26)
    Inside this issue: Councilor Ahmed Mwidani looks poised to retain the highest local office in Mombasa for a second term as urban elders prepare to elect the Mayor, his Deputy and six committee chairmen today at Town Hall; ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-07-30)
    Inside this issue: Four more ‘Charters’ approved: Coast Tour Operators and hoteliers, encouraged by last year’s surprise recovery, are predicting a better winter holiday season this year, with 900 more beds to fill and ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (1985-07-12)
    Inside this issue: Space –age phone system kenya: The Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation, in a major leap to space-age communications technology, may install an ultra-modern satellite telecommunications system ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-07-05)
    Inside this issue: Major road repair plan: The Ministry of Transport and Communications with the help of Norwegian expertise, is winning the four-year-old battle to reclaim the damaged portion of the main Mombasa-Nairobi ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-06-28)
    Inside this issue: Nassir sweeps K.A.N.U.polls: 52-year-old Shariff Nassir Abdullah Taib, a veteran Coast Politician for over decades, retained his Mombasa District Kanu chairmanship unopposed at the climax of the Mombasa ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-06-21)
    Inside this issue: ‘Rescue malindi job’ campaign: With the closure of two long established and popular hotels at Malindi, there is a dearth of tourists in the town and trade generally is suffering; Sydney and Adelaide in ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-06-14)
    Insides this issue: Insurance to pay ‘Morea’ families: Settlements may total ‘millions of shillings.’ Japanese built the very best roads! Allow me space to suggest our municipal council of Mombasa, a way in which it can ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-06-07)
    Inside this issue: Consultants study new kilifi bridge: Long suffering commuters using the North Coast Kilifi ferry, linking Mombasa with Malindi, can look forward to greatly improved communications; ‘Heart child’ needs ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-05-31)
    Inside this issue: Malindi hotel closes down: Lawford’s Hotel, the pride of Malindi tourism for half a century, goes into receivership from today with a loss of 167 long service jobs and 20 million shillings in debts; Ships ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-05-24)
    Inside this issue: Surgeons save child’s hands: Two Swedish doctors have successfully performed the initial plastic surgery on Andrew Peter Estati, the six-year-old victim of child abuse; Muslim youth mark holy Ramadhan ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-05-17)
    Inside this issue: ‘You may be sacked!’ Mayor warns roads department; Big welcome planned for ‘ Marathon man’ werikhe: A mammoth welcome is being planned for Michael Werikhe, AVA’s Security Supervisor, when he arrives back ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-05-16)
    Inside this issue: ‘ Low season ‘ bookings up: Kenya becomes ‘number one’ destination for Kuoni U.K. Tourism earns billions in foregin exchange: More than 360,000 overseas tourists -up 5,000 from 1983- holidayed in the ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-05-03)
    Inside this issue : Myster over ‘Missing’ ship: Relatives of the eight sailors lost in the sinking of the Kenyan dry coaster Morea may never know what happened to them or the ship on her ill-fated voyaged to Kismayu last ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-04-26)
    Inside this issue: Crackdown over corrupt co-ops: The Ministry of Co-operative Development may launch a major inquiry into the activities of co-operative societies in Mombasa; Tourism assures foreign investors: Mombasa ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-04-19)
    Inside this issue: Doctor put-off kilifi operation: Doctors at Kilifi General Hospital have put off the plastic surgery which was to be performed on the six-year-old Andrew Peter Estati because he has developed scabbies; ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-04-12)
    Inside this issue: The triump for’Toyota’ Amazing Safari win by Kankkunen; Nassir praises ties with yemen: Mombasa (KNA) An assistant Minister for Lands and Settlement, Mr. Shariff Nassir has hailed the cordial relationship ...
  • Coastweek, Newspaper (Coastweek, 1985-04-05)
    Inside this issue: Safari fever! At first light morning on day two of the 1985 Malboro Safari Rally, the cars are racing back towards Nairobi and the end of the 160kilometer first leg; Malindi mayor hits out over ‘mafia’ ...

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